Bujinkan Books & DVDs
Ten-Chi-Jin Ryaku no Maki
This 3 DVD set shows Arnaud Cousergue demonstrating the entire tenchijin over 3 DVDs. Arnaud Cousergue was living and training in Japan when the boss set down tenchijin ryaku no maki and he knows it intimately with the first hand knowledge of someone who was there.
Toshitsugu Takamatsu
Quest DVD. Biographical. PG JPN
Togakure-ryu Ninpo Taijutsu
Police Story
One of Jackie Chan's earliest films and a Hong Kong Action masterpiece. PG Hong Kong
The Big Boss
Bruce Lee's debut film and a Kung Fu masterpiece by which all others are measured.
Kuro an Earth guardian joins into a pact with a human who is wounded while she is doing battle. M JPN
The Devil's Whisper
An English translation of one of Japan's most popular crime / mystery writers. Fans of the crime genre will like this.
On Killing
Former army ranger and paratrooper, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman talks about the psychological implications of killing on soldiers.
Task Force Helmand
Capt. Doug Beattie MC at 42 was ready to retire but agreed to do one more tour of Afghanistan after a desperate plea from his CO. In 2007 he arrived in Helmand Province right at a crucial time in the war against the Talib insurgents.
Ten-Chi-Jin Ryaku no Maki
This 3 DVD set shows Arnaud Cousergue demonstrating the entire tenchijin over 3 DVDs. Arnaud Cousergue was living and training in Japan when the boss set down tenchijin ryaku no maki and he knows it intimately with the first hand knowledge of someone who was there.
Toshitsugu Takamatsu
Quest DVD. Biographical. PG JPN
Togakure-ryu Ninpo Taijutsu
Police Story
One of Jackie Chan's earliest films and a Hong Kong Action masterpiece. PG Hong Kong
The Big Boss
Bruce Lee's debut film and a Kung Fu masterpiece by which all others are measured.
Kuro an Earth guardian joins into a pact with a human who is wounded while she is doing battle. M JPN
The Devil's Whisper
An English translation of one of Japan's most popular crime / mystery writers. Fans of the crime genre will like this.
On Killing
Former army ranger and paratrooper, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman talks about the psychological implications of killing on soldiers.
Task Force Helmand
Capt. Doug Beattie MC at 42 was ready to retire but agreed to do one more tour of Afghanistan after a desperate plea from his CO. In 2007 he arrived in Helmand Province right at a crucial time in the war against the Talib insurgents.